THANK YOU! 2023 work party
As an FCC
board and community we are SO excited that Luther Ministries took the leap of
faith to open a second site at Camp Tulahead. We know that kids desperately
need the experience of camp, and most of all to know Jesus! Without all the
hard-working staff at our camps in BC so many more kids would miss that
opportunity. Please pray for Luther ministries and Camp Tulahead as they
re-open this summer, and thank God for another camp that is not closing or
degrading but rather being renewed for another season of ministry! This year at
the work party some highlights were Matt's excellent humour and musical
prayers, amazing food, fellowship with other camp workers, a great hike, canoe
ride, and a freezing cold lake swim, we even got some work done including: brush
and log clearing, building picnic tables, garbage cleanup, house renovations,
painting, building docks and more!
We want to
thank the Camp Luther team, Camp Bob, Rockridge Canyon, Maple Springs Bible Camp,
Lake of the Trees Bible Camp, Camp Squeah and other churches and volunteers
connected to serve Camp Luther Ministries (Camp Tulahead)
God bless you this summer!
Wilson (Work Party)