If you are interested, have questions, would like to nominate a camp... please reach out and chat with us!  Check out the link below for more info.

Asking for help can be difficult for some of us, but the impact and the amount of work completed by a like-minded group of other camp missionaries is truly amazing.

Apply or nominate a camp by emailing info@bcfcc.ca!

A camp community extends beyond a single camp!

On behalf of Camp Douglas, I want to say that I am so grateful to the FCC and to each person who came to help with our work party week. Thanks to the 30+ volunteers who attended, we were able to make huge progress on tasks that are really difficult to do on a one-day work party, and the ideas and perspectives shared throughout the week by other camp professionals were really helpful and encouraging to our small team.


Projects included burning forest debris (which means fewer wasp stings this summer); sweeping cabin roofs; organizing and cleaning storage areas; we pulled up new driftwood logs from the beach to refurbish our campfire area; our bathroom walls got drywalled and mudded; our Bible study room got a new roof; we have new kayak, life jacket, water shoe storage solutions; song sheet storage solutions; and a whole new storage area for our office. We are absolutely over the moon and feel so supported by the wider camp community.


Thank you so much to Maple Springs Bible Camp, Camp Squeah, Camp Luther, and Ness Lake Bible Camp (who had an 11 hour drive to get to us!), as well as other kind individuals who came to support for the week.

And thank you to Camp Homewood for reaching out and offering to help us with our picnic table problem. What a blessing! Thank you so much.


-Lucy Rosenberg, Director at Camp Douglas

THANK YOU! 2023 work party

As an FCC board and community we are SO excited that Luther Ministries took the leap of faith to open a second site at Camp Tulahead. We know that kids desperately need the experience of camp, and most of all to know Jesus! Without all the hard-working staff at our camps in BC so many more kids would miss that opportunity. Please pray for Luther ministries and Camp Tulahead as they re-open this summer, and thank God for another camp that is not closing or degrading but rather being renewed for another season of ministry! This year at the work party some highlights were Matt's excellent humour and musical prayers, amazing food, fellowship with other camp workers, a great hike, canoe ride, and a freezing cold lake swim, we even got some work done including: brush and log clearing, building picnic tables, garbage cleanup, house renovations, painting, building docks and more!


We want to thank the Camp Luther team, Camp Bob, Rockridge Canyon, Maple Springs Bible Camp, Lake of the Trees Bible Camp, Camp Squeah and other churches and volunteers connected to serve Camp Luther Ministries (Camp Tulahead)

God bless you this summer! 


-Mark Wilson (Work Party)

Thank-you! 2022

Our semi-annual work week was blessed to have volunteer supporters from other FCC camps join us this year.  And what a blessing it was!  A lot of work was completed including a new covered archery platform, a new roof on one of the cabins, another cabin exterior completely repainted, a number of dead trees felled and bucked, and a host of other cleanup tasks.

We are grateful to FCC and these volunteers for giving us their valuable time. Praise the Lord!

- Mark Dean - Work Party Coordinator Daybreak Point Bible Camp

A Word On being a part of a Work Party

Aside from feeling extremely blessed by all the work that was completed during the work party the week made us as a camp feel part of something much bigger than our own little camp.  Fellowshipping with other camps and their staff was truly uplifting and just the encouragement that we and hopefully many others needed at this time.  Events like the Work Party take you out of that sense of isolation that can be so prevalent in ministry and unite us with others who have the common goal of living for Jesus and making him known to others.  

- Camp Program Director